Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) funding assists people with extreme functional impairment or very high support needs to acquire specialist housing solutions.
Funding is only available to a small proportion of National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants who meet specific eligibility criteria. It is expected that approximately 28,000 people under the NDIS will be funded for SDA – just 6 per cent of all NDIS participants.
Eligible participants receive the ongoing funding to enable them to pay to live in a purpose-built SDA home.
Payments are made to the provider of an SDA property by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) when an SDA participant is living in the home. The participant is required to pay ongoing reasonable rent contributions of 25% of the disability support pension and 100% of any rental assistance (if applicable).
There are four SDA design categories that will be funded moving forward:
For more on how to access SDA funding, go to Where am I on the SDA journey?
To find out what CareChoice has on offer, go to CareChoice Homes.