Registered Disability, TAC and WorkSafe Provider

Who does the NDIS support?

Live in an NDIS trial site or transition area.

Have a permanent disability that reduces their ability to participate effectively in activities or perform tasks that affect their capacity for social and economic participation.

Are likely to require support under the NDIS for a lifetime.

Are under 65 years of age when they make their application to the scheme.

Being understood by others.

Getting out of bed, moving around, going outside or accessing the community.

Help taking a bath, shower, getting dressed and eating.

Assistance learning new things.

Support to do daily jobs, handle money and make decisions.

We partner with:

CareChoice is registered to provide services for TAC and WorkSafe clients


Registered NDIS Service Provider

VIC State Government Logo

CareChoice acknowledges the support of the Victorian Government


CareChoice is partnered with NDISDA

NDS Associate

CareChoice is partnered with NDS


Australasian Association of Forensic Disability


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